
La recherche est un axe essentiel de développement pour l’ESAM, qui entend accroître son expertise dans ses domaines de spécialité. Très proche du monde professionnel, l’école ESAM peut identifier des projets de recherche appliquée et d’innovation permettant de créer du lien avec nos entreprises partenaires



Determinants of Advancement in Information Communication Technologies and its Prospect under the role of Aggregate and Disaggregate Globalization.
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali, & Razan Al-Masri. 
Scientific Annals of Economics and Business 69 (2), 1-25. (2022)

Do Sectoral Growth Promote CO2 Emissions in Pakistan? Time Series Analysis in Presence of Structural Break
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi, Ismail Senturk, Yannick Roussel
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 12 (2), 410-425. (2022)

Determinants of Public Procurement Efficiency: A Comprehensive Study of Public Procurement Rules of Punjab, Pakistan
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi, Sabahat Nisar, Ismail Senturk
Empirical Economics Letters 21 (3). (2022)

Impact of Health on Worker Productivity: Evidence from South Asia
Aqsa Mehmood, Hafiz Muhammad Abubakar Siddique, Amjad Ali 
Bulletin of Business and Economics 11 (2), 1-8. (2022) 

The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Expenditure Structure of Pakistan
Khalil Ahmad, Amjad Ali, Michael Yang
Bulletin of Business and Economics 11 (1), 73-84. (2022)

Yoke of corporate governance and firm performance: A study of listed firms in Pakistan
Amjad Ali, Wajid Alim, Jawad Ahmed, Sabahat Nisar
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies 13 (1), 8-17. (2022)

Testing the Presence of the January Effect in a Developed Economy
Sabahat Nisar, Rabia Asif, Amjad Ali
Journal of Finance and Accounting Research (JFAR) 3 (2), 1-16. (2021)

The Effect of Liquidity Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Pakistan
Wajid Alim, Amjad Ali, Mahwish Metla Rauf 
Journal of Applied Economics and Business 9 (4), 109-128. (2021)

The Impact of Islamic Portfolio on Risk and Return
Wajid Alim, Amjad Ali, Maryiam Farid 
Archives of Business Research 9 (11), 108-122. (2021)​​​​​​​

Performance Evaluation of Islamic and Non-Islamic Equity and Bonds Indices: Evidence from Selected Emerging and Developed Countries. 
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali, & Yannick Roussel.
​​​​​Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, Accepted for 2021.


Measuring the Tax Buoyancy: Empirics from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali & Yannick Roussel. 
Empirical Economics Letters, Accepted for 2021.

Economic Misery, Urbanization and Life Expectancy in MENA Nations: An Empirical Analysis.
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi & Yannick Roussel
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(5), 17-27. (2021)

Socioeconomic Determinants of Gender Specific Life Expectancy in Turkey: A Time Series Analysis.
Ismail Senturk & Amjad Ali (2021)
Sosyoekonomi, 29(49), 85-111.

Natural Resources Depletion, Renewable Energy Consumption and Environmental Degradation: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing World.
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi, Yannick Roussel
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(3), 251-260. (2021)

The Advancement in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Economic Development: A Panel Analysis.
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali, & Yannick Roussel (2021)
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15(4), 1013-1039.

The Impact of Gender Inequality and Environmental Degradation on Human Well-being in the Case of Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis.
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi, Bibi C., & Yannick Roussel.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(2), 92-99. (2021)

Measuring the Money Demand in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis.
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali & Yannick Roussel
Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(1), 27-41. (2021)

Determinants of banks fragility in the MENA region using a dynamic model.
Marc Audi, Mohamad Kassem, & Yannick Roussel
The Journal of Developing Areas, 55(1). (2021)

Aggregate and Disaggregate Natural Resources Agglomeration and Foreign Direct Investment in France
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali, Yannick Roussel
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, janvier 2021, JEL Classifications: N5, F21,

Impact of Political Uncertainty on Pakistan Stock Exchange: An Event Study Approach.
Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, & Amjad Ali 
Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance, 11(2), 194-207. (2020)